Subhash Ram Prajapati
Ph.D. – Ethnomusicology, University of Washington. 2018.
M.A. in Nepalese History, Culture, and Archaeology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. 2005 – University Topper
M.A. in Nepalbhasa (Newar Language)- Tribhuvan University, Nepal. 2004 – University Topper
(also the university topper in I.A. and B.A. Nepalbhasa)
Post Graduate Diploma in Buddhist Studies – Tribhuwan University, Nepal. 2004
Work/ Volunteering Experiences
Founder/President, Dabuli, 2018-Present
General Secretary, World Newah Organization, 2016-2019
President, Newah Organization of America, Seattle Chapter, 2012-2017
Board Director, Nepal Seattle Society. 2013-2015
Secretary and Spokesperson, World Newah Organization. 2011-2015
General Secretary, Nepal Seattle Society. 2011-2013
Executive Director, Nepalmandal Foundation. 2008-Present
Research Co-coordinator, Masked Dances of Nepalmandal (A joint project by Madhyapur Art Council, UNESCO, and GTZ), Kathmandu – Nepal. 2006
Program Designer and Presenter (Program on Nepalese Culture) Worked in Times F.M. 90.6 MHz Radio 2002-2003
Member of Curriculum Design Committee of Optional Music in Secondary Level (HMG, Curriculum Development Board, Sanothimi), 2004
Member of Organizing Committee, Publicity and Publication Sub-Committee, Second World Buddhist Summit 2004
Founding Instructor, Institute of Newar Language and Culture, Sikkim – India, 1999
Content Writer of the web portals – (Information on Newar Culture), (Information on Madhyapur Thimi), (Nepalbhasa News Portal).
Research and Project Works/Seminar Papers
Traditional, Folk, Fusion and Confusion: Music and Change in the Newar Communities of Nepal, Connecting South Asian and Himalayan Research Communities Across Cascadia Workshop, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, November 2-3, 2018
Teaching Nepalese Music Outside Nepal: Successes and Challenges of a Community Course in the U.S., Cultural Diversity in Music Education (CDIME) conference, Kathmandu March 29, 2017
Identity movement, religious music and social change in Nepal, Comparative Religion Colloquium, University of Washington March 1, 2017
Teaching Nepalese Music Outside Nepal: Successes and Challenges of a Community Course in the U.S. South Asia Conference of the Pacific Northwest (SACPAN), University of Washington February 11, 2017
Identity movement and its influence on Newar music of Nepal. Northwest Graduate Asian Studies Conference, University of Oregon, 14th May 2016
Social transformation through religious Music: Buddhist Hymns & Theravada Movement in Nepal. Theravada Dissertation Workshop, 30th March 2016
Reconstructing the identity: Social Transformation through music in Newar community, Second World Newah Convention, 27th March 2016
Gai Jatra to Gay Jatra: A case of cultural conflict in Kathmandu– Seminar Paper Presentation, SACPAN Conference, University of Washington, 2009
A study on Nasah Dyah (Newar God of Music and Dances) – MA Nepalese History, Culture and Archeology Dissertation, 2006
A study on Performing Arts of Ancient Dramas of Nepal Mandal – Research Project from Mahendra Sanskrit University, 2006
Gunla Baja: A study on Buddhist Traditional Music – Buddhist Studies Post Graduate Dissertation, 2006
Youth for Culture Preservation (Project on Documentation of Nepalese Musical Instruments), – Youth Initiative Award winner, 2006
Maha Natak Bidhi (Process of Ancient Grand Drama Performance) – Ancient Document Editing, MA Nepalbhasa Project Work, 2004
A study on Musical Aspects of Ancient Nepalbhasa Dramas of Nepal Mandal – MA Nepalbhasa Dissertation, 2004
Wabhuli Telaya Thapuja Dharot – Ancient Document Editing, MA Nepalbhasa Project Work, 2003
A study on Newar Music Tradition – Seminar Paper Presentation, Madhyapur Art Council, 2002
List of Publication
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